The above ground components of the nettle plant are more helpful toward consoling urinary tract inflammation involved with stones trapped in the kidneys and bladder. The reasoning is that it is deemed to be what is called a 'spring tonic,' a category of plants that thrive in the spring and exhibit great mastery of quickly flushing toxins out of the body. If you need a ‘spring tonic’, Nettle Tops Loose Leaf Herbal Tea is for you.
Nettle (also known as Stinging Nettle) has been used for centuries worldwide to treat allergy and respiratory symptoms such as asthma, hay fever, hives, and other allergic dermatitis. It helps to clear congestion in the nose and chest and is also used today to help treat coughing and other bronchial symptoms. Nettle has also been used for joint ailments and urinary health symptoms. Studies show that stinging nettle's anti-inflammatory power assists with joint pain including rheumatoid arthritis. It is used as a successful general diuretic and it has been used in home remedies for bladder infections. It has traditionally been applied topically to the skin or drank as a mineral rich tea for its diuretic and soothing effects on the urinary tract system.