The Ultimate Breastmilk Loose Leaf Herbal Tea


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Nourish your growing baby with The Ultimate Breastmilk Tea (TUB) inspired by Marni Wasserman of The Ultimate Health Podcast.

Breastmilk is nature’s perfect baby food.

The Ultimate Breastmilk, an organic and loose leaf herbal tea, contains a blend of herbs known to increase breastmilk for nursing mothers. Lemon balm has been shown to reduce stress and insomnia, and it is also helpful in soothing colic in babies. Anise, Fennel, Blessed thistle, fenugreek, alfalfa, goat’s rue, and milk thistle have all been known to promote the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers. Lemon verbena is antimicrobial and contains a high amount of antioxidants, while the taste is fresh and calming. Cloves and ginger root are both soothing to the digestive system and can also help ward off inflammation. Combined, these organic ingredients create a tea that’s healthy, delicious, and improves milk flow.

About Marni

Marni is a real food nutritionist and is expecting her first baby in February 2020. She is passionate about natural health and learning all the ways to support a natural pregnancy. She uses passion and experience to educate individuals on how to adopt a real food diet and a balanced lifestyle through simple strategies. Marni loves to spend her time creating new recipes, practicing yin yoga, biking outdoors or playing with her Australian Shepherd, Goji.