A harmonious Chinese blend of green and dark tea attributes, Oolong tea is known to promote a healthy heart and assist in blood circulation. Oolong tea is also a useful proxy in the management and regulation of blood sugar levels, lowering the risks associated with diabetes.
This beautiful, full-bodied, slightly nutty tea is sure to please both the black tea and green tea connoisseurs. The flavour is deep and robust and is a great choice for those who want to reap the health benefits of drinking tea while still getting a caffeine boost. Oolong falls in between black tea and green tea in regards to caffeine content, but the antioxidant potential of oolong tea is considered equal among the 3 varieties. Modern medicinal research is now showing that the antioxidant composition of oolong tea can facilitate weight loss and reduce body fat. Drinking as little as just 2 cups per day can substantially boost the metabolism of fat cells in your body enough to realize these benefits. Oolong is also being touted for its role in promoting healthy skin. The antioxidants in oolong tea have anti-allergenic compounds which have been shown to relieve the inflammation associated with chronic skin problems. Lower body fat, clearer skin, healthy dose of caffeine… you and this tea ‘oolong’ together!